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Alexandra’s diary

Photo by Hakeem James from Pexels “If I could open the clouds…” Alessandra Trotta


What is meant by cooking in a broad sense? And more specifically between traditional cuisine and local cuisine? These two terms will become less and less used because they are now in stark contrast to today’s trends. The traditional term now seems obsolete and considered as such by haute cuisine chefs, who find it increasingly difficult to describe their cuisine as a “local” cuisine. Some will consider what I am… Read More »Cooking


Doesn’t everyone have the ability to understand why music is so special? Music is a language, it is communication and it is art. Unlike a normal language, however, music has the characteristic of being universal, it can be listened to by anyone and is able to convey countless emotions and sensations. Music is the first and only universal language. If we take a look around us, we are able to… Read More »Music


Being a woman. This expression summarizes many aspects of the female universe. He has dreams locked away, he believes in love, in love at first sight. The woman’s universe is a treasure to be discovered. The woman lives on spirituality and interiority. Being a woman is planning today, it is planning this day, the one you are experiencing NOW. We are aware that tomorrow will not be the same as… Read More »Woman


The term religion derives from the Latin language and scholars have given two definitions of its meaning: there are those who claim that Religion derives from the verb re-legere that is to collect, while there are those who argue that it derives from the verb re-ligare which it means to tie together. In the first case we want to indicate the set of prayers, rites, customs and laws of a… Read More »Religion


Work plays a very important role in human life. Through it, man not only satisfies his own needs, but seeks his own fulfillment both on a personal and social level. The profound changes that have occurred in society with the advent of industrialization have largely changed the structure and organization of work. The increasingly massive introduction of the machine and the birth of the large factory have ended up depriving… Read More »Work


Let’s start from the very birth of the name: automobile. The word derives from the French term “automobile” in turn composed of two words, one Greek and one Latin: the first part is inspired by the Greek autòs “himself, of himself, of himself”, while the second by the Latin adjective, ” mobile, that moves “. The result is a compound word which means “that moves by itself”. Since the early… Read More »Automobile


Play is first of all a child’s right, a playful, enjoyable, essential activity that contributes to the construction of subjectivity. Along the arc of the complex process of establishing identity, one of the privileged tools is precisely the game and, at the beginning in particular, the body, sensorimotor and symbolic game, the different levels of which allow the implementation and domination of motor skills, the structuring of space, the progressive… Read More »Play


A song is a musical composition that has a melody, a rhythm, lyrics and the accompaniment of musical instruments, so that it can be performed by one or more singers. The word song comes from the Latin cantio, which means everything that can be sung. Typically, songs can be sung by one or more singers, so they can also be performed by groups of singers such as a duet, trio… Read More »Song


What does “inviolable human rights” mean? Rights recognized by the Constitution that pre-exist the legal system, concerning the fundamental freedoms and values ​​of the human person, inherent to it and in any way violable. Therefore they are: – indispensable, inalienable, non-transferable and imprescriptible; – defined as first generation; – generally unlimited: the limitation on their exercise is allowed only in exceptional cases, temporarily and through compliance with procedures guaranteed by… Read More »Rights
