Umberto Rapetto (born 19 August 1959) is an Italian general of the Guardia di Finanza, retired since 2012. Former student of the Nunziatella military school, brigadier general of the Guardia di Finanza and former commander of the Special Telematic Fraud Unit. At the end of 2013, after having been strategic advisor to the Executive Chairman, Franco Bernabè, and then – as Group Senior Vice President – Director of Initiatives and… Read More »Cybersecurity?it’s just a matter of bad luck! By Umberto Rapetto
Francesco Pasqual was born in Rome on 8 December 1975. Grow from an early age, he developed a passion for reading and music which will lead him to the study of the violin and the piano. Poetry, philosophy and music will create in the his life is a circle towards the understanding of what binds truly man to his own experience. Participate in numerous competitions where he obtains excellent results.… Read More »“A Day Without a Date” by Francesco Pasqual
“A Day Without a Date” by Francesco Pasqual
Castel Sant’Angelo (or Mole Adrianorum or Castellum Crescentii in the 10th-12th century), also known as the mausoleum of Hadrian, is a monument in Rome, located on the right bank of the Tiber in front of the pons Aelius (now the Sant’Angelo bridge), not far from the Vatican, between the districts of Borgo and Prati. it is connected to the Vatican State through the fortified corridor of the “passetto”. The castle… Read More »“Life Stories” by Luciano Finocchioli
“Life Stories” by Luciano Finocchioli
Giovanni Floris, journalist and writer born in Rome in 1967, has hosted “Radio anch’io”, was a correspondent from the USA in 2002, is an author and hosts the weekly appointment with politics and current affairs “Disabato” on La7, after thirteen years of “Ballarò” on Rai3 he has followed the major events of politics, foreign affairs and economics as a correspondent of the “Giornale Radio Rai”. L’essenziale (Solferino 2023), contains Notes… Read More »The Essential Notes of an Adventurous Reader by Giovanni Floris
The Essential Notes of an Adventurous Reader by Giovanni Floris
Giorgio Zanchini (Rome, 30 January 1967) is an Italian journalist, radio host, television presenter and essayist. Graduated with honors in Law at the University of Rome “La Sapienza” he specialized in Journalism and Mass Communications at the Free International University of Social Studies Guido Carli (Luiss) in Rome. He joined Rai through a competition in December 1996. Initially he worked at Giornale Radio Rai, at Radio 1, from 2010 to… Read More »Do Italians exist? Investigation into a fragile identity by Giorgio Zanchini
Do Italians exist? Investigation into a fragile identity by Giorgio Zanchini
Adriano Galliani (Monza, 30 July 1944) is an Italian sports executive, entrepreneur and politician, deputy vice-president and managing director of Monza. Professionally linked since the 70s to Fininvest, owned by Silvio Berlusconi, he is mainly known for being, from 1986 to 2017, CEO of the Milan Football Association with which he managed to win 29 trophies in 31 years; At the same time, he twice held the role of deputy… Read More »The memoirs of Adriano G. by Adriano Galliani
The memoirs of Adriano G. by Adriano Galliani
The city of Rieti at the Gallery of the Municipality of Rieti, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II inaugurates on May 13 the two-person exhibition of the painters Giuseppe Zingaretti and Nicoletta Sciannameo. On May 13 at 5:30 pm Professor Ileana Tozzi will speak. The exhibition will run until May 24. Giuseppe Zingaretti born in Rome, after classical studies began his apprenticeship under the guidance of his father Antonio, a talented portraitist,… Read More »Exhibition in Rieti by Giuseppe Zingaretti and Nicoletta Sciannameo
Exhibition in Rieti by Giuseppe Zingaretti and Nicoletta Sciannameo
Sergio Lepri (24 September 1919 – 20 January 2022) was an Italian journalist and essayist. In 1945 he joined the editorial staff of the newspaper La Nazione del Popolo, organ of the Tuscan Committee of National Liberation. Here he practiced and in February 1946 he became a professional journalist. He continued to work as an editor in the Florentine newspaper, which in 1947 changed its title to “Mattino dell’Italia centrale”,… Read More »My life as a journalist by Sergio Lepri
My life as a journalist by Sergio Lepri
Pamela Luidelli lives with her family on Lake Maggiore, a source of inspiration for her novels set in the imaginative village of Castel Lassù. Between misadventures find time to travel and visit castles around Europe Looking for a ghost to interview. He spends his days with the inseparable dog Arthur In her study, immersed in books drinking too many cups of milk and tea, in the confident search for a… Read More »A coffee for the murderer of Pamela Luidelli
A coffee for the murderer of Pamela Luidelli
Pier Ferdinando Casini is an Italian politician, President of the Chamber of Deputies from 2001 to 2006. Formed politically in the Christian Democrats, he initially joined the current of dorotei and later became one of the closest collaborators of Arnaldo Forlani; after the dissolution of the DC, in 1994 he was among the founders of the Christian Democratic Center, the minority group that sided with the center-right coalition led by… Read More »Once upon a time there was politics. The last Christian Democrat speaks by Pierferdinando Casini