Born in Rome into a family of Jewish origin, Molinari studied at Harris Manchester College of the University of Oxford and at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at the University of Rome La Sapienza graduated in political science in 1989 and in history in 1993. He has been a journalist since 1984, where his first collaboration dates back to La Voce Repubblicana (press organ of the Italian Republican Party),… Read More »The return of the empires by Maurizio Molinari
Columnist for La Stampa and Gazzetta dello Sport, Dell’Arti was a finalist for the Viareggio Prize with Il giorno prima del 68. From 1996 to 2018, he edited and directed the Monday edition of Foglio (also known as the Foglio Rosa). In 2009 he hosted the in-depth program Ultime da Babele on Radio1. He currently also writes for the supplement Robinson de la Repubblica (he governs the literary tournament of… Read More »The March on Rome by Giorgio Dell’Arti
The March on Rome by Giorgio Dell’Arti
Journalist and writer, he was director of Rai Giubileo, head of religious information of radio, creator and presenter of Oggi2000, deputy director of Giornali Radio Rai, deputy director of TG2, presenter and editor-in-chief of TG1, correspondent of “Il Messaggero” of Rome. “Silver Microphone” for television reports on the Horn Journalist and writer, he was director of Rai Giubileo, head of religious information of the radio, creator and of Africa at… Read More »La mano del padrone of Filippo Anastasi
La mano del padrone of Filippo Anastasi
Professor Gabriele Sani is a University Researcher at the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology of La Sapienza University of Rome and belongs to the Department of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Sense Organs. He is author and co-author of numerous national and international publications. His research activity focuses mainly on the clinic of mood disorders, with particular reference to aspects related to bipolar disorder, temperament, course, rapid cyclicity, mixed states and… Read More »Adolescents and mood disorders by Gabriele Sani
Adolescents and mood disorders by Gabriele Sani
Marco Frittella, historical face of television journalism, has told for forty years, first from the microphones of Gr2 and then of Tg1, the main political-institutional events of Italy. He was in Berlin in the winter of 1989 when the Wall fell and in Beirut in the last phase of the Lebanese civil war. Among the many interviews carried out – from Gorbachev to Walesa, from Brandt to Cossiga and Napolitano… Read More »The gold of Italy by Marco Frittella When art makes visible what is not always visible
The gold of Italy by Marco Frittella When art makes visible what is not always visible
Is food a “substitute” for love? Fiorenza Sarzanini is one of the most successful names in Italian journalism. The editor of Corriere della Sera Luciano Fontana appointed her deputy director, also entrusting her with the role of head of the Rome office. Joined the newspaper’s editorial office in 2000, she worked for the Messenger for over 10 years dealing with judicial news and security. “Mirror” is the title of the… Read More »Hungry for love of fiorenza sarzanini
Hungry for love of fiorenza sarzanini
Paolo Franco author of the novel “One day in more” published by the Albatros Group. The style is very fluid. The genre is a psychological thriller-type novel that hints as it rattles off reading because at first it looks like a comedy, like a classic American teen comedy. But let’s get straight to the plot of this gripping thriller. Mark Gordon is a teenager caught up in his existential problems,… Read More »AN EXTRA DAY OF PAOLO FRANCO
Le 3 F is a book published by Transeuropa: the authors are two sisters Laura and Marzia Buoni. The first graduated brilliantly in Educational Sciences and in 2015 successfully opened the first family nursery in Civitavecchia in the province of Rome. Marzia Buoni is enrolled in the degree course in nursery education and childcare services. Both are passionate about social media. They co-wrote and published the book Le 3 F.… Read More »The 3 F
The 3 F
Lucia Amendola Ranesi was born in Salerno but lives in Rome. She graduated in Mathematics at the University of Naples. Author of a textbook on mathematics for middle schools published in several editions by the Felice le Monnier publishing house. In 2002 he wrote several didactic works. In 2010 he published the novel “The striped moon” with the Alfredo Guida publishing house in Naples. In 2016, with the publishing house… Read More »FOUR THIRD PIECE GREEK ERRE THREE BY LUCIA AMENDOLA RANESI – CALCULATING THE VOLUME OF THE SPHERE OF FEELINGS
Angela Torri was born in Rome and has always shown a strong attraction for nature, growing up in the shadow of a peasant grandfather who fueled this passion. The name of Ricciaspersa, due to her rebellious curls and her restlessness, draws her features, also providing the title for this first work. She studied languages, lived and worked in London, traveled the world as an Alitalia flight attendant and traveler. Passionate… Read More »RICCIASPERSA BY ANGELA TORRI THOSE STORIES THAT MAKE DREAM EMPIRICALLY