Amazed, foolish, out of tune, strange, wonderful. The life. After gaining a solid experience in the banking world, at the end of 1985 he accepted an interview with Fideuram, intrigued by the profession of Financial Advisor then still little known. In 1986 he became a Financial Advisor. In 1991 he met Azimut and it was immediately “Love”. He then left Fideuram for Azimut, a company for which he worked until… Read More »Exit from the Matrix the apparent labyrinth of Claudio Mario Cherubini
Nicola Feruglio, born in Como in 1972 and resident in Rome, founder and president since 2008 of the association Anthropology Terzo Millennio (A.T.M.). In 2015 he published the philosophical essay “The secret energy of life”, published in Italy by BookSprint Edizioni, and in 2016 in Argentina by the international relations magazine Reconciliando Mundos. In 2017, again for BookSprint, he published the short story “Un senatore in entanglement” (for which he… Read More »As far as the song of the hyperborean by Nicola Feruglio reaches
As far as the song of the hyperborean by Nicola Feruglio reaches
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